Russell Brand – astrological birth chart

RussellBrandNot surprisingly, comedian and revolutionary Russell Brand has a number of striking features in his astrological birth chart horoscope. He was born at midnight, 4th June 1975 in Essex (according to his Mybookywook, which is a good read), giving him Sun and Mercury in Gemini at the roots of his being in the 4th house. Geminis are the naughty pixies of the zodiac – quick-witted, curious about everything, and sometimes a bit too clever for their own good! Communication is the key word.


There is a lot more going on with Mister Brand and astrology however. The majority of planets and his ascendant sign are in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (although if born just a few minutes past midnight of 3rd/4th, revolutionary Aquarius not Capricorn would be rising and if born close to the midnight of 4th/5th the chart would also be slightly different). In anyone’s chart, this shows a potentially powerful drive to initiate action and make a big impact. The Moon, Mars and Jupiter all in Aries show a man of action, impatience and strong physical drives – Russell is known for his colourful and active sex life, shown by Mars in Aries in an easy trine relationship to Neptune.

A clear indicator that his life was always likely to be anything but ordinary are the close aspects between his personal (inner) planets and the transpersonal (outer) planets. Sun and Mars aspect the glamorous, mystical, visionary, sometimes deceptive Neptune in the 10th house. Venus in Cancer closely squares Uranus – he genuinely cares but in an unconventional and sometimes shocking way. Emotional turmoil and power struggles are shown by the Moon opposite Pluto, and a close square between Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Cancer also brings deep emotional tensions and conflicts. Russell has made no secret of his past heroin use, a likely attempt to deal with these issues, however unwise. The selfishness of Aries sits uneasily with the need for the emotional security and depth of Saturn in Cancer.

In 2013, as Uranus and Pluto transited his Mars in Aries leadership energy, Russell made his now legendary appearance on the BBC Newsnight programme with Jeremy Paxman. Round about the same time, his inspirational editorial for The New Statesman was published. Is an overpaid “celebrity” in any position to support the Occupy movement and criticize our economic and political system and encourage people not to vote? Whatever you think of him, he has articulated what millions of people feel. I’d vote for him… no hang on… oh never mind.

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About Tim
UK musician (pop/rock/prog), astrologer for 30 years (the deeper stuff), care and support worker #ExtinctionRebellion "We're all f***ed, so be nice." ~ Russell Brand

4 Responses to Russell Brand – astrological birth chart

  1. Amanda says:

    always enjoy the astro readings – you’ve obviously studied the subject in depth and have good intuition, maybe you should write your own book one day?!

  2. Tim says:

    Thanks Amanda, you’re very kind, others have made this suggestion down the years. I began with intensive study back in the late eighties, and was lucky enough to attend seminars by the respected psychological astrologers Liz Greene and the late Howard Sasportas as part of the learning process. I read very widely for a few years, Stephen Arroyo’s excellent books also played a big part.

    Like many other experienced astrologers, I’ve since “done” thousands of charts (well, on and off certainly many many hundreds – I haven’t been counting!) for people in all walks of life, often in a counselling situation. This is where astrology can really come into its own I think – as a tool for self-awareness and as a guide to helping to understand our life choices, psychological patterns and changes we are going through.

    As regards writing a book – I could be wrong but I suspect that the market might be a bit saturated with astrology books. Anyway, I plan to post more readings and other astro stuff here a bit more regularly. I hope you continue to enjoy them! Best wishes, Tim

  3. Mary K Dyson says:

    You know this already but your mini reading of Mr Brand is spot on! Thank you for this. I have referred a few neigh sayers of Russell to this reading. Why I don’t know. . .

    • Tim says:

      Thank you, Mary 🙂 Russell seems to have improved with age… I often find his video analysis of current events very insightful these days! A quick astrological overview usually gets to the essence… x

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